Music Faculty and Grad Students Receive CAETR Grant

July 03, 2017

Columbia Music faculty and graduate students, led by Prof. Ellie Hisama, have been awarded a seed grant from the Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research (CAETR) at Columbia University, for a project entitled For the Daughters of Harlem: Working with Sound.  The participants include: Ellie M. Hisama, Professor of Music; Zosha Di Castri, Francis Goelet Assistant Professor of Music Composition; Miya Masaoka, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Visual Arts; Lucie Vágnerová, Core Lecturer in Music Humanities; Laina Dawes, PhD Candidate in Ethnomusicology; and Finola Merivale, DMA Candidate in Music Composition. For the Daughters of Harlem: Working in Sound is a multi-year project that will offer opportunities at Columbia for girls and young women of color to engage with music--as composers, improvisers, sound artists, and thinkers--under the guidance of faculty, graduate students, and invited session leaders.