John Glasenapp, OSB

John Glasenapp, OSB


Br. John is a PhD candidate in Historical Musicology and a Benedictine monk of St. Meinrad Archabbey with an interest in chant and liturgy, particularly of the Middle Ages. He completed his B.A. and B.M. in music at DePaul University and M.A. in medieval studies at Fordham University with a thesis entitled "Neumes of Genres and the Genres of Singers: The Earliest Irish Notation from the Drummond Missal." His doctoral dissertation will examine the liturgical life, monastic identity, and status of religious women from the thirteenth-century "women's religious movement" to the French Revolution through a study of the Beaupré Antiphoner (Walters Art Museum, Walters Ms. W.759). Br. John has presented at several conferences, including a paper entitled "The Earliest Irish Notation from the Drummond Missal" at the 2016 meeting of the Cantus Planus study group of the International Musicological Society in Dublin, Ireland.