Ruth S. Longobardi

Ruth S. Longobardi


Ruth Longobardi received her bachelor's, M.A., and PhD in historical musicology from Columbia University.  Before returning to Columbia, Ruth was an Assistant Professor of Music and Critical Studies at the University of Richmond. Currently she works on cultural and critical approaches to contemporary American opera. Her most recent article, "Re-Producing Klinghoffer: Opera and Arab Identity Before and After 9/11,"  proposes that the representations of Palestinian hijackers in three different productions of John Adams's opera The Death of Klinghoffer show the opera reinventing itself before and after 9/11, when Arab identity hovers ambiguously in the U.S. Imaginary. Her publications appear in the Journal of the Society for American MusicNewMusicBoxThe Journal of Musicologytwentieth-century music, and Current Musicology. She is the 2004 recipient of the Philip Brett Award.