Undergraduate students have multiple options for participating in Music at Columbia. Currently we offer the Major in Music, SEAS Music Minor and Concentration in Music. Starting in Fall '24, Music will be rolling out the new Minor in Music and phasing out the existing Concentration in Music. Columbia College and General Studies students will now have the option to declare either a Major in Music or the new Minor in Music. Starting in Spring '25, the SEAS Music Minor will provide the same flexibility as the new CC/GS Minor in Music. All students at Columbia University and Barnard College are welcome to take music courses in the Department of Music.
Students currently declared Concentrators in Music can either continue the concentration or if they have multiple concentrations across different departments or a major outside the Music department, can switch their Concentration in Music to the new Minor in Music (so long as they keep one concentration or major outside of Music).
Students can declare a major or minor in the Spring semester of their sophomore year. They can declare a minor at a later point also if they determine that they have the interest and space in their program of study to complete one.
The architecture of the new Minor in Music/revamped SEAS Music Minor is organized around pathways of personal interest. Any combination of 15 credits from the Music course list will fulfill the minor. Of those 15 credits, up to 6 maximum performance credits, consisting of lessons and/or ensembles, are allowed for any pathway (audition & acceptance into Music Performance Program required). Upon completion of the 15 credits, all students will earn a minor.
Please note that HUMA1123UN/Masterpieces of Western Music (aka Music Hum) is a Core requirement and therefore cannot count towards the major or minor credit requirements but AHMM3320UN/Music in East Asia and AHMM3321UN/Music in India & West Asia (aka Asian Music Hum), both Global Core courses, can count towards both the major and minor.
Courses/Points: 40 Points Required for the Major
- Course Name
- Fundamentals of Music
- Course #
- UN1002
- Points
- 0
- Comments
- Prereq: Required only if student does not pass placement exam for Music Theory I. Points do not count towards 40 required for major.
- Course Name
- Music Theory I - IV
- Course #
- UN2318, UN2319, UN3321, UN3322
- Points
- 9 - 12
- Comments
- Students who pass the Music Theory I placement exam may request to take a Music Theory II placement exam; students must complete up to Music Theory IV.
- Course Name
- Introductory Ear Training
- Course #
- UN1312
- Points
- 0
- Comments
- Prereq: Required only if student does not qualify on placement exam for Ear Training I. Points do not count towards 40 required for major.
- Course Name
- Ear Training I - IV
- Course #
- UN2314, UN2315, UN3316, UN3317
- Points
- 1 - 4
- Comments
- Students take a placement exam to determine where in the Ear Training sequence they will begin; students must complete up to Ear Training IV.
- Course Name
- History of Western Music I: Middle Ages To Baroque
- Course #
- UN3128
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- Required for all students.
- Course Name
- History of Western Music II: Classical To the 20th Century
- Course #
- UN3129
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- Required for all students.
- Course Name
- Topics in Music and Society
- Course #
- UN3400
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- Required for all students.
- Course Name
- Music Electives
- Course #
- Various
- Points
- 6
- Comments
- At least (2) 3000 or 4000-level electives.
- Course Name
- Music Electives
- Course #
- Various
- Points
- 9 - 15
- Comments
- The remaining points are to be earned through 1000-level MPP courses, 2000, 3000 or 4000-level courses subject to these constraints: No more than 4 points of 1000-level MPP courses, no more than 6 points of 2000-level courses.
All courses must be taken for a letter grade to count for the major. AHMM3320UN/Music in East Asia and AHMM3321UN/Music in India & West Asia (aka Asian Music Hum), both Global Core courses, can count towards the Music Elective requirement.
The new Minor in Music is organized around pathways of personal interest, designed with the guidance of an advisor in the Department of Music. Any combination of 15 credits from the Music course list will fulfill the minor. Of those 15 credits, up to 6 maximum performance credits, consisting of lessons and/or ensembles, are allowed for any pathway (please note students must audition and be accepted into the Music Performance Program in order to register for lessons and/or ensembles).
Below are recommended pathways that students can use as a guide if they have interest in the areas of Music Studies, Music Production, Jazz, Performance or Composition. The courses listed in these pathways are not required and serve only as suggestions to students with interests in these areas.
All students interested in the Minor in Music should reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, who will refer you to an advisor.
Courses/Points: 15 Points Required for the Minor in Music
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) Music History class from the following classes: UN3128/History of Western Music: Middle Ages to Baroque or UN3129/History of Western Music: Classical to 20th Century
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- UN3400/Topics in Music and Society
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) elective from Music course list
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) elective from Music course list or (3) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each)
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Music Production
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- Pathway: Music Studies
- UN2205/Introduction to Digital Music
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- UN2230/History and Practice of Electronic Music
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- GU4630/Recorded Sound
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (3) Ear Training classes from the following classes: UN1312/Intro, UN2314/ET I, UN2315/ET II, UN3316/ET III and UN3317/ET IV -or- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) elective from Music course list
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Jazz
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- Pathway: Music Studies
- UN2016/Jazz
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- UN2582/Jazz Improvisation
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- GU4500/Jazz Transcription and Analysis
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- GU4505/Jazz Composition and Arranging
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (3) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each)
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Performance
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (6) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each)
- 6
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (3) Ear Training classes from the following classes: UN1312/Intro, UN2314/ET I, UN2315/ET II, UN3316/ET III and UN3317/ET IV
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) elective from Music course list
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Pathway: Composition
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (2) electives from the following classes: UN2240/The Song Within Us: Composition, Analysis, Performance, UN3239/Introduction to Composition or UN3241/Advanced Composition
- 6
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) elective from the following classes: UN2205/Introduction to Digital Music, UN2230/History and Practice of Electronic Music, GU4630/Recorded Sound or GU4810/Sound: Foundations
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- (1) elective from the following classes: GU4525/Instrumentation, GU4526/Orchestration or GU4515/Conducting Music
- 3
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Total Points:
- 15
All courses must be taken for a letter grade to count for the minor. AHMM3320UN/Music in East Asia and AHMM3321UN/Music in India & West Asia (aka Asian Music Hum), both Global Core courses, can count towards the 15 credit requirement but HUMA1123UN/Masterpieces of Western Music (aka Music Hum) is a Core requirement and therefore cannot count towards the minor credit requirement.
Starting in Spring ’25, the SEAS Music Minor will be organized around pathways of personal interest, designed with the guidance of an advisor in the Department of Music. Any combination of 15 credits from the Music course list will fulfill the minor. Of those 15 credits, up to 6 maximum performance credits, consisting of lessons and/or ensembles, are allowed for any pathway. Please note that performance credits do not count towards the 128 credits SEAS students must earn to graduate; in addition, students must audition and be accepted into the Music Performance Program in order to register for lessons and/or ensembles.
Below are recommended pathways that students can use as a guide. There is the General SEAS pathway or there are additional pathways if students have an interest in the areas of Music Studies, Music Production, Jazz, Performance or Composition. The courses listed in these pathways are not required and serve only as suggestions to students with interests in these areas.
All students interested in the SEAS Music Minor should reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, who will refer you to an advisor.
Courses/Points: 15 Points Required for the SEAS Music Minor
- Pathway: SEAS General
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- (1) course from the following classes: UN2318/Music Theory I or UN2319/Music Theory II or Variable/Elective at Computer Music Center
- 3
- (1) course from the following classes: UN3128/History of Western Music: Middle Age to Baroque or UN3129/History of Western Music: Classical to 20th Century or UN3400/Topics in Music & Society
- 3
- (3) nontechnical electives from Music course list or a combination of nontechnical electives & up to (6) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each).
- 9
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Music Studies
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- (1) Music History class from the following classes: UN3128/History of Western Music: Middle Ages to Baroque or UN3129/History of Western Music: Classical to 20th Century
- 3
- UN3400/Topics in Music and Society
- 3
- (1) elective from Music course list
- 3
- (1) elective from Music course list or (3) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each)
- 3
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Music Production
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- UN2205/Introduction to Digital Music
- 3
- UN2230/History and Practice of Electronic Music
- 3
- GU4630/Recorded Sound
- 3
- (3) Ear Training classes from the following classes: UN1312/Intro, UN2314/ET I, UN2315/ET II, UN3316/ET III and UN3317/ET IV -or- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- (1) elective from Music course list
- 3
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Jazz
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- UN2016/Jazz
- 3
- UN2582/Jazz Improvisation
- 3
- GU4500/Jazz Transcription and Analysis
- 3
- GU4505/Jazz Composition and Arranging
- 3
- (3) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each)
- 3
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Performance
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- (6) performance credits from UN1401 to UN1461/Instrumental Lessons (1 credit each) and/or UN1511 to UN1551/Ensembles (1 credit each)
- 6
- (3) Ear Training classes from the following classes: UN1312/Intro, UN2314/ET I, UN2315/ET II, UN3316/ET III and UN3317/ET IV
- 3
- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- (1) elective from Music course list
- 3
- Total Points:
- 15
- Pathway: Composition
- Course Name/Course #/Comments
- Points
- (1) Music Theory class from the following classes: UN1002/Fundamentals of Music, UN2318/Music Theory I, UN2319/Music Theory II or UN3321/Music Theory III
- 3
- (2) electives from the following classes: UN2240/The Song Within Us: Composition, Analysis, Performance, UN3239/Introduction to Composition or UN3241/Advanced Composition
- 6
- (1) elective from the following classes: UN2205/Introduction to Digital Music, UN2230/History and Practice of Electronic Music, GU4630/Recorded Sound or GU4810/Sound: Foundations
- 3
- (1) elective from the following classes: GU4525/Instrumentation, GU4526/Orchestration or GU4515/Conducting Music
- 3
- Total Points:
- 15
All courses must be taken for a letter grade to count for the minor. AHMM3320UN/Music in East Asia and AHMM3321UN/Music in India & West Asia (aka Asian Music Hum), both Global Core courses, can count towards the 15 credit requirement but HUMA1123UN/Masterpieces of Western Music (aka Music Hum) is a Core requirement and therefore cannot count towards the minor credit requirement.
Students who declared the Concentration In Music in Spring '24 or prior can either continue with the concentration curriculum or can switch to the new Minor in Music. Please speak with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, if you intend on switching.
Courses/Points: 28 Points Required for the Concentration
- Course Name
- Fundamentals of Music
- Course #
- UN1002
- Points
- 0
- Comments
- Prereq: Required only if student does not pass placement exam for Music Theory I. Points do not count towards 28 required for concentration.
- Course Name
- Music Theory I - IV
- Course #
- UN2318, UN2319, UN3321, UN3322
- Points
- 9 - 12
- Comments
- Students who pass the Music Theory I placement exam may request to take a Music Theory II placement exam; students must complete up to Music Theory IV.
- Course Name
- Introductory Ear Training
- Course #
- UN1312
- Points
- 0
- Comments
- Prereq: Required only if student does not qualify on placement exam for Ear Training I. Points do not count towards 28 required for concentration.
- Course Name
- Ear Training I - IV
- Course #
- UN2314, UN2315, UN3316, UN3317
- Points
- 1 - 4
- Comments
- Students take a placement exam to determine where in the Ear Training sequence they will begin; students must complete up to Ear Training IV.
- Course Name
- History of Western Music I: Middle Ages To Baroque
- Course #
- UN3128
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- Required for all students.
- Course Name
- History of Western Music II: Classical To the 20th Century
- Course #
- UN3129
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- Required for all students.
- Course Name
- Topics in Music and Society
- Course #
- UN3400
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- Required for all students.
- Course Name
- Electives
- Course #
- Various
- Points
- 3
- Comments
- At least (1) 3000 or 4000 level electives.
- Course Name
- Electives
- Course #
- Various
- Points
- 0 - 6
- Comments
- The remaining points are to be earned through 1000-level MPP courses, 2000, 3000 or 4000-level courses subject to these constraints: No more than 4 points of 1000-level MPP courses, no more than 6 points of 2000-level courses.
All courses must be taken for a letter grade to count for the concentration. AHMM3320UN/Music in East Asia and AHMM3321UN/Music in India & West Asia (aka Asian Music Hum), both Global Core courses, can count towards the Music Elective requirement.