Eric Rice

Eric Rice


Eric Rice (PhD, Historical Musicology, 2002), is an Associate Professor of Music History at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. A musicologist and conductor, Dr. Rice is a specialist in the history and performance of music composed before 1750.  He  teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music history, notation, and historical performance, and he also serves as a member of the Medieval Studies faculty. He demonstrates the relationship between scholarship and performance as director of the University of Connecticut Collegium Musicum, which traveled to Ecuador in March 2011 with financial support from the U.S. Embassy to perform modern premieres of colonial Ecuadorian music at Quito Cathedral. He currently oversees UConn's graduate programs in music as Associate Department Head for Graduate Studies. He was the artistic director for the CD O rex orbis, Officium in festo sancti Karoli, Medieval Plainchant and Renaissance Polyphony for the Feast of Saint Charlemagne (Liege, Belgium: Musique en Wallonie, 2012; MEW 1267), transcribing and editing all the sources, conducting, and singing in the nine-voice choir.    You can read more about his work on his faculty page.