Shannon Garland
Shannon Garland (Ph.D., Ethnomusicology, 2014) won the postdoctoral fellowship in Ethnomusicology at UCLA for the academic year 2017-2018. Shannon also won a postdoctoral research fellowship from the State of São Paulo Research Support Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo—FAPESP) in Brazil to conduct the research project A New National? The Construction of a National Independent Music through Festivals in São Paulo (Um Novo Nacional?: A Construção de Música Nacional Independente por Festivais em São Paulo). This project is part of a 5-year, multi-party and multi-sited research grant called Local Musicking: New Pathways for Ethnomusicology (O Musicar Local--Novas Trilhas para a Etnomusicologia).
Her dissertation (advised by Prof. Ana Maria Ochoa) "Music, Affect, Value, and Labor: Late Capitalism and the (Mis)Productions of Indie Music in Chile and Brazil" explored emerging relationships between online media circulation, economy, aesthetic value, and sociality in the South American southern cone, particularly in Santiago, Chile and São Paulo, Brazil, where she currently resides. In addition to Chile and Brazil, Shannon also spent time living in Korea and Japan, where she dabbled in various “traditional” instruments. While in New York, she plays hichiriki with the Columbia Gagaku Ensemble, and bass guitar with the Chilena-Brooklyn band Nutria N.N. Now several years a capoeirista, she is currently working on pandeiro, atabaque and of course, berimbau.
Shannon has been the recipient of several research grants for her work in Chile and Brazil, including the IIE Graduate Fellowship for International Study, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (the canceled 2011-2012 Fulbright-Hays DDRA award).