
Past Event

Digital Scores Project Presentation with Solomiya Moroz and Craig Vear

February 21, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
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Digital Scores Project Presentation
Prentis Hall Room 320H


From the Presenters:

The interactive lecture will present a basic notion of what a digital score is followed by types of digital scores with some examples of them. After this, we discuss the benefits of digital scores and the theoretical framework of our research. Here importance is placed on meaning-making because of the kinds of relationships and embodied behaviours that musician form when making and musicking with digital scores. The lecture concludes with some thoughts on digital musicianship with interactive prompts for the audience to contribute to our ongoing research.

About the  Digital Scores Project:

The “Digital Scores” project comprises an ambitious programme of practice-based research interwoven with an innovative theoretical investigation into the transformation of the music score being wrought by new computational technologies. A core objective is to investigate the shifts in creativity and musicianship that digital scores have on musicians: composers, performers, makers, designers and coders. A parallel objective is to innovate the music score as an inclusive creative space for musicians of traditional and non-traditional backgrounds. The benefits of the research extend beyond music studies into computer science, new media research and performance practice. It is real “frontier research”, which sits at the intersections of art, technology, cultural studies, and creative practice. It investigates new phenomenologies of the experience of digital creativity, and new creative processes in a digital and post-digital world.

Find more information [HERE]