Congratulations to Columbia ethnomusicology PhD student Kevin Holt, who has been awarded a 2013 Predoctoral Fellowship from the Ford Foundation.
This fellowship, which provides three years of full support for doctoral research, is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by the National Research Council of the National Academies. Mr. Holt's selection for this prestigious award reflects Ford Foundation's panelists’ "judgment of scholarly competence as well as the promise of future achievement as a scholar, researcher, and teacher."
Mr. Holt's doctoral research concerns youth culture and hip-hop music in Atlanta and more broadly in the US; his MA thesis was an ethnographic study of "Amateur Night at the Apollo Theater." He holds a prior MA from Columbia's Institute for Research in African-American Studies, and a BA in Music from Oberlin Conservatory.
Mr. Holt is also the third PhD student in ethnomusicology at Columbia to win support from the Ford Foundation in the past three years!